Precision Autowerks opened in 1984 under the watchful eye of Stan Hall. Since, Precision has gone from a Mercedes-only shop to a Euro shop — and now does European and Asian car service, maintenance and repair, including hybrid vehicles.
Your car is typically your second largest investment and your lifeline to both work and the world at large. Let us help you keep the ownership experience a stress free and pleasant one for years. The economic advantages of proper maintenance are huge when, with proper care, your car can easily give you 300,000 miles of service.
Constant investment in technician training, equipment and information sources has allowed Precision Autowerks to stay on the leading edge of the technology revolution happening in the automotive market worldwide. Our technicians are highly qualified to handle the needs of the import driving public along with maintaining both the skills and knowledge needed to care for classic European automobiles.
We strive to maintain that position through regular training and staying up-to-date with new technology coming to market along with a watchful eye on the changes in equipment needed to correctly diagnose, service, repair and maintain your investment.