Ok, its been awhile since you heard from me. I’ve been doing things like kicking off our donation drive for South Of The Bully, fixing odd stuff and staying pretty occupied in general. Its come to my attention though that I’ve been ignoring getting Car Care Tips out there.
The heat of the summer is on us, I don’t know about you but I like that. No need for 22 layers of clothing and wondering when you are going to be able to feel your hands again. Your car however, might feel differently – interior temps in the 150f range, high oil and coolant temps, higher loads on the belts, more heat into all the components and more stress on anything that makes it cooler inside.
Let’s talk and bit about climate control. In order for your AC to work its best is needs 4 things:
- a healthy compressor and clean condenser,
- a full charge of Freon,
- good belt and
- a clean intake air filter or cabin filter.
Seems simple right? If it works it must be in decent shape.
Its not that simple. A good portion of cars out there that have not had any AC work in the last 3 years or so have lost a little of their charge of Freon. Not that the system leaks but that modern refrigerants have a molecular structure that is smaller than the old stuff and it tends to wick a few molecules out as a normal function of the system. The good news is that’s easy to check and correct. Just get us to evacuate, recover, measure and confirm the current charge level in your car’s AC. Its not that expensive either.
The upside is your AC will thanks you by performing more efficiently, using less fuel to run and do a better job of taking that interior from 140 degrees to 70 so you are more comfortable while driving. At the same time we will look at the condenser to make sure its clean and free of air blocking debris and function test your AC to make sure all functions are working as designed and your system is at 100% of its capability.
At the same time, let’s think about your cabin filter. If you didn’t replace it after the yellow haze earlier this year, rest assured, a lot of that stuff is in that filter. The good news is that means it didn’t end up in your car or in you. The bad news is most likely those filters are operating at 60% of or efficiency. Easy enough, pop a new one in there and feel the breeze. We even have a coupon out there for that service. Yes, some cars are more expensive than others but for the most part, its not a expensive thing and again, your car’s AC will thank you.
While we are at it we’ll give your car a good looking over just to make sure everything is in good shape and even check the air in the spare.
Yep, thats right, your spare tire. That little guy who rides around in the trunk forgotten until he is needed. Be a real shame to dig that thing out only to find out its flat wouldn’t it? The only thing we ask is lets try not to bring it in with a ton of stuff in the trunk please.